Recruitment Services

Our recruitment services give you the opportunity to post your internship, trainee program or job advertisements on our Chamber Coalition Job Board. The Chamber Coalition provides professional human resources consulting for companies located in the U.S. in need of qualified, bilingual personnel.

The Chamber Coalition Job Board connects professionals with diverse opportunities at multicultural companies. If you find suitable position on our Job Board, please contact us.

Overview of Chamber Coalition Recruitment Services

Job Posting for full time position
$250 for a 30-day posting which includes the following:
• A review of the job description from our legal partner
• Posting on our website and a social media spread via these Chamber Coalition channels, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
• We will also include the posting in our monthly newsletter with over 25K subscriptions
• We will screen our database for appropriate candidates precisely for your individual job opening. Upon identification of a qualified profile, we will forward you their information for your review

Job Posting for Internships
$150 for a 30-day posting which includes the following:
• A review of the job description from our legal partner
• Posting on our website and a social media spread via these Chamber Coalition channels, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
• We will also include the posting in our monthly newsletter with over 25K subscriptions

If you are interested in new employment openings, please review the Job Board for new positions that may match your experience and interest.

Please note that the Chamber Coalition assists client companies and member in to find appropriate talent for open positions at their companies; we do not provide direct assistance to active jobseekers.

Better Recruiting Opportunities for Small Businesses

Because the unemployment rate has fallen to 4.69%, employers are having difficulty hiring and keeping outstanding employees. Small businesses are not exempt from this struggle. In fact, it may be even more of a challenge for small-and-medium-sized companies because their salaries are frequently low, benefits are practically non-existent, and, for the most part, they are already under-staffed. What can small-and-medium-sized companies do to pump up their organizations and make them attractive to those seeking jobs and to their current staff?

Companies can take several actions to offer more perks and create a more appealing work setting for their on-site and potential workers. But before this can occur, leaders must do the following:

• Strategically plan 

• Establish workable goals 

• Design practical objectives

• Assemble relevant resources 

The organization will then determine the personnel needed to reach these goals, along with the requisite salaries, equipment, space, and overall cost of additional items. The business will be prepared to know how many and what type of employees needed and will have a plan in place to accommodate increased staffing.

One factor that is always a plus for small businesses is their vision. If the company has a vision that resonates with a potential staff member, the recruit may overlook salary and benefits because they value the company’s goals. The organization’s brand recognition may also serve the new employee when he or she seeks a new placement. Other perquisites that nonprofits can offer are:

• Appreciation events 

• Professional development 

• Financial planning services

• Flexible work hours 

• Health and wellness programs 

But what is a small business to do if it has lost its key team member? Suddenly, retaining and recruiting becomes secondary to finding the most experienced and knowledgeable head out there. That’s when the organization is going to need recruitment services. Assistance is required from a firm that has a sound reputation and proven strategies for finding the most talented leadership available.

When choosing a recruitment firm, clients should research the agency’s levels of quality, integrity, professionalism, and personalization. Recruiting groups have made it their business to examine the necessary information concerning the vision of the company, its leaders, its workforce, and its goals before the search begins. Upon completion of this research, the group can accurately customize their search.

Then recruitment providers use the information they have accrued across many databases to identify candidates who are qualified, trustworthy, dedicated, experienced, and precisely matched to the position. Not only that, but they will also offer thorough screening, evaluation, candidate qualification presentations, interview process support, reference verification, and assistance in making the final offer to the candidate.

Using the right team for recruitment issues means everything to a small business. Finding the type of leader that makes the best fit with the organization could make the difference between success or failure. Please get the assistance you and your community deserve.

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