The Small Business Boot Camp

Whether you already have a small business or is planning on starting one; this is the place for you!  Join the Small Business Boot Camp and learn how to make your business work for you, in the face of a changing economy, market shifts and intense competitions.

The Small Business Boot Camp was created by Figeroux & Associates, together with the New American Chamber of Commerce (NACC), the African American International Chamber of Commerce (AAICC) and the Hispanic American International Chamber of Commerce (HAICC) to teach proper business skills and training among small business owners.  The Boot Camp consists of a six-part series of seminar: They include the Business Plan Basics, Financing Your Business, Marketing & Social Media, Legal, Tax and Account Issues and Minority Certification of your Business.  

While anyone can start a business, only those that are fully equipped and prepared will survive.  After all, it is a tough and complicated world out there; why complicate your life by starting a business without the right tools to take it to the next level?  According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), a good number of small businesses fail in its first three years of operation. Belief it or not, the reasons is due to a lack of knowledge and preparation by business owners.  Do you want this to be you?  Of course not!

To prevent this, you can take advantage of the Small Business Boot Camp.  For just a few weeks, you can be a part of this invigorating, educational and exciting boot camp that will help you chant the way forward in starting or continuing a successful business. The camp comprises of pertinent literature, presented by well qualified and experienced lecturers, whose goal is to teach you how to start a small business and also how to succeed in doing so.

Business Plan Basics

A business plan is a very vital and detailed tool for business owners. An excellent business plan helps you, the business owner, set your focal point on the precise steps needed to successfully run a business.  A huge mistake made by entrepreneurs is focusing only on the short term…what can my business do for me now?  A good business person will not only be interested in the short term benefits, such as its strengths and opportunities, but would also be interested in the business’ weaknesses and threats as well.  Truth be told, having a good business plan focuses on the holistic approach of the business, eliminating or limiting the possibilities of any unpleasant surprises in the future.

Financing Your Business

Are you thinking about starting a business but does not have the necessary finance needed? Worry no more!  The Small Business Boot Camp teaches you how to source monies needed to start and maintain your small business.  Bear in mind every business endures some form of start-up cost, therefore it is extremely important to know where this money can come from and how it would be paid back when the time arises.  

An Intro to Marketing & Social Media

No matter the business you have, some form of marketing is extremely pertinent.  There must be a method in place for the target market to know about the products and services offered, how to get these products and services, and their costs.  In essence, a successful business owner should know the importance of marketing and as such, should take full advantage of it.  

Social media is now the leading way to market a product or service…The Small Business Boot Camp will enlighten you on interesting ways in which social media can be of assistant to your business growth.


Whether you’re a small business owner or a large corporation, there are legalities that must be adhered to. These include, but are not limited to marketing, advertising, intellectual property, privacy law and finance. Also, when creating a small business, a number of reports, legal details, and forms need to be completed in order to remain compliant.  The Small Business Boot Camp is equipped in assisting entrepreneurs in starting their businesses and can also give legal support and guidance to ensure the professional start up of such business.

Tax & Accounting Issues and Quick Books Basics

Small business owners, like big corporations, also has to pay and keep records of taxes…be it federal or state and local taxes – payroll, sales, property, income and self employment taxes. Evidently, the previously mentioned taxes will differ from state-to-state and are predominantly based on the preferred business structure. Also, once your business employs people, you would need to pay state unemployment tax as well.  While these may be complicated and drawn out undertakings, The Small Business Boot Camp can teach you how to handle them with relative ease using basic Quick Books.

Minority Certification & the 8A Program

Business certification plays an important role in the operations of any business and small businesses are no exceptions.  Hence, businesses must obtain proper and precise certifications before it can meet the outlined governmental standards.  By being a participant of the Small Business Boot Camp, you will learn how to get your business certified and avoid red flags.

Let us discuss. We would be happy to get to know you through a non-committal conversation.

The Small Business Bootcamp team of professionals are ready to assist you. If you need assistance with starting a small business, let’s talk. Help starts with the small step of a conversation and evaluation. To contact us, click here.

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